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World Water Day: inauguration of the expansion of the aquifer recharge system in the Forni area (Suvereto, Livorno), built with the contribution of the Sant'Anna School as part of the European Life Rewat project

The new groundwater recharge plant in Forni (Livorno) was inaugurated on 21 March, built with the contribution of the Sant'Anna School. The local authorities were present at the event together with Laura Ercoli and Rudy Rossetto

Publication date: 22.03.2023
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On 21 March, on the occasion of the upcoming World Water Day which falls on the 22nd, the expansion of the aquifer recharge plant was inaugurated in Località Forni, municipality of Suvereto (LI).

The work, carried out as part of the European Life Rewat project in which Sant'Anna School participates, consists of a second infiltration tank, adjacent to the existing one and built in 2018, with which it will be possible to store large volumes of water in the subsoil, exploiting the transport capacity of the underground aquifer, without resorting to the use of artificial infrastructures.

A green measure that slows down the speed of the current in the rivers, safeguarding the water and contributing to the defense against floods and hydrogeological risks.

The most important advantages are the short construction times, the low investment costs and the occupation of limited areas that can store large quantities of water and use them as needed.

The event was attended by the Councilor for the Environment of the Tuscany Region Monica Monni together with Jessica Pasquini, Mayor of Suvereto, Alberta Ticciati Mayor of Campiglia Marittima, Giulio Parodi the Councilor for urban planning of Piombino Giancarlo Vallesi, President of the 5 Toscana Costa Consortium , Stefano Taddia, President of ASA and Laura Ercoli, professor at Scuola Sant'Anna and vice-coordinator of the Crop Science Research Center.

After the traditional ribbon cutting, Rudy Rossetto, professor of the Scuola Sant'Anna, organized a short tour of the plants created in the area, explaining how the systems work.